Lately we've received a handful of Christmas cards in the much fun. However, I must say that I'm extremely disappointed with the way it's all carried out these days. Suddenly there's nothing personal about the cards. No one actually writes a personal message. Instead, you get these cute pictures with a standard greeting. Often times the address is even printed off on a label. I miss the days when people would actually sit down and hand write a personal note. I was never the one doing this at our house - I was too young. Instead, my mom would write out every single Christmas card by hand. Then, I would eagerly check the mail each day, looking for letters from our friends and family. It was so much fun. Now, it's kind of a disappointment.
This year, we have Christmas cards (for the first time) and I've typed up a specific note for each person/family. I wanted to write them by hand, but I was fearful I would run out of time. Ours is not a great novel about this year's adventures. Instead, I've just made it a point to get specific and personal for each recipient.
I don't want to see these Christmas traditions as bothersome, or taxing. Instead, I want to enjoy it. I want to sincerely wish people a Merry Christmas. I want them to know that they are thought of during this blessed season. I also want to remind them of the true meaning behind it all.
Maybe we've all just got too much on our plates during this season...and that shouldn't be the case. It's my goal to simplify things and continuously remind myself that there's more to Christmas than just the long to-do lists.
Can anyone else relate?
8 months ago
You can add Aaron and I to the list of people doing the generic Costco photo card this year - my hand is dead after working on wedding thank yous, but I still wanted to do Christmas cards :) Next year I'm hoping to actually do a letter, and a more personable card since we'll have more to write about and a kid to show off. But I know what you mean, I always enjoy the personalized cards the best.
I totally agree...I enjoy receiving photo/cards during this time of year but have definitely noticed the change in times...I notice I am even more delighted to read messages when I see that it is handwritten versus the generic greetings we find on cards.
I hope I get a christmas card with a super special note.
Yes Anne! My mom has hand made EVERY single Christmas card she has sent out since before her and my dad were even married. Growing up she would let us help and obviously this creates a little bit of a sloppy looking card, but to this day all our friends and family still comment on her homemade cards. She includes a general message to all recipients, but the time she puts into each card is the personal touch. This year I went to and custom made cards. It is SO fun - you would love it and I am sure would make a beautiful card being as you are SO crafty:) You get to pick your own layout, fonts, designs, message and pics to upload. Although I did not include a personal message to each person I feel my cards are personal because of the time and effort I put into designing them. Having a baby, finding time for that kind of stuff is hard to come by!
Although I would love a personalized note I'm not offended if people just send a picture of the family. I love seeing my friends children and families grow and I know that once children come into the picture it is hard to write personalized note. I don't have much room to talk though since I didn't even send any out! :( I know, I know... I'm bad.
Way to go Anne. I am impressed that you are making the notes personal. That is awesome!
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