A new student arrived. She is now a part of my 5/6 block - Language Arts & Social Studies. This 7th grader seems nice enough. She's rather quiet, sweet, and attentive. Oh, and did I mention that she speaks NO English?!?! However, I'm supposed to get her to the point where she can pass all standardized tests. (I'm also going to hope and pray that her scores don't bring down our school average - otherwise we run the risk of being labeled a "failing school.") Really? Welcome to public education, my friends. In so many ways, it's a great system...and in other ways, I can clearly see the need for improvement. :)
P.S. I now have 31 kids in my 5/6 block. And I'm the one with the smallest class...hence, I'm the one who receives the new student. (Nevermind the fact that our district will likely be making cuts again this year...)
Solutions & suggestions gladly accepted. In the meantime, I'm praying! :)
5 months ago
Rosetta Stone? I don't know! When I have that problem at work I use a phone interpreter, but I'm pretty sure that'd be frowned upon since you'd need one for your entire class time....
good luck!
TIffany, we're using some online programs to help with the communication difficulties, but you're's the entire 2 hours she's with me that need some work. I mean, it's one thing to print out translated directions in Chinese for an assignment, but it's another thing to try explaining the routine for going to the bathroom, turning in papers, filling out your heading, writing down your homework, etc. Then, we've got the actual content to deal with.
It's not the first time this has happened to me. However, it's the first time I've had someone come in to school late in the year with a need for so much additional help. It will all work out just fine in the's just getting there. :)
Doesn't your district have a "new comers" program? We have one particular school that serves kids like this (because we do get them quite a bit). AND I think Rosetta stone is a good idea! I am doing it for Spanish right now!
yipes! Good luck, Anne!! I know how much time and effort you put into your classroom, so I am sure you are doing everything possible to help her!!
Um, yea. Is she in ELL? Also, our state has that rule about the Nov. 1st deadline for entering the country...did she come to the country after that? If so, no MSP for her! Seriously though, every time I get that little slip in my box I pray the kids speaks SOME English! WIll be praying for you! And ya, if your school has a contract with Rosetta Stone, it's the best, plug her on that thing for 30 minutes of your block...I'm sure you already know about all this stuff're you. :)
Hey Anne, Remember me from LBC and Christ's Church? (I used to be Wanamaker) Anyway.I found your blog from Jessica Yost's. I'm a teacher (Deaf and Hard of Hearing kids) in the public schools in AK and I FEEL YOUR PAIN!! It nearly makes me crazy what the Feds demand of our little people....I feel successful if they make it through standardized tests without bawling!!!
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