I know that the Lord is in control, but it's a little difficult to avoid discouragement when they just decided to cut nearly 200 teachers - from a district that only operates with a little over 1,100 members total. A ton of new teachers will no longer have jobs. Additionally, my numbers will greatly increase. I could be looking at a classroom full of 36 students next year. Really? This is insane. At the same time, I am thankful to have a job...and more importantly, I am thankful that my relationship with the Lord is far more valuable than anything on this earth. He is in control and He has a plan for each of those students who walk through my door. He has a plan for all of those wonderful teachers who have just received some terrible news. He has a plan for education in our state - in our nation.

Join me in praying for those little lives who will walk through my classroom door next year! As well, I ask you to pray for those families who have suffered great loss(es) because of these tough economic times - including the amazing staff members we are looking to lose.