- lots of time with LBC friends
- a new MacBook (hooray!)
- meeting babies - Ezra and Hazel
- babysitting
- working a ton already
- watching 24
- making cards
- planning for the upcoming school year
- packing for Leavenworth
- hanging out with Gavin and enjoying every moment of it
- staying up way too late and getting up way too early
- excited to meet my new students
- tons of pictures to sift through
- learning lots about what it means to be a Godly wife
- enjoying the fact that Jordan and Jamie are living in the area
- playing games
- visiting other churches to see friends
- wedding
- lending advice to young ones entering a new relationship
- meeting with people who used to stand strong in their faith...and now they question
- missing the folks from our home-group
- having dinner with old family friends
- a plethora of possible blog posts
- FarmVille...I got sucked in!
- piecing together classroom decorations
- slumber party with campers (and Jamie too)
- encouraging Ben in his new endeavor - quitting his job, going back to school, and planning to sub this year
- reading blogs
- salmon bake
- swimming across the lake
8 months ago