Monday, December 29, 2008
love dare...

Thursday, December 25, 2008
merry christmas...
The Simmons family would like to extend our warmest wishes for a most wonderful Christmas!
We would also like to remind you that this blessed day is not about gifts, family, friends, a decorated house, or the "spirited feeling." Instead this day is celebrated because of our Savior's birth. Let us not forget the true reason behind our gatherings and gift exchanges! Without Him, we would have nothing to celebrate.
Merry Christmas!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
how does this work...

Friday, December 12, 2008
i should clarify...
Alicia, I'm excited to use http://www.paperlocket.com/. I don't need anything now, but I saved it to my Favorites.
Christie, I'm sure your Christmas cards will be lovely!
Kara, keep an eye on your mailbox. But don't get too excited. They're nothing monumental.
Lisa, I will think of you the next time I read a personalized note. I'll be smiling too. :)
christmas cards...
This year, we have Christmas cards (for the first time) and I've typed up a specific note for each person/family. I wanted to write them by hand, but I was fearful I would run out of time. Ours is not a great novel about this year's adventures. Instead, I've just made it a point to get specific and personal for each recipient.
I don't want to see these Christmas traditions as bothersome, or taxing. Instead, I want to enjoy it. I want to sincerely wish people a Merry Christmas. I want them to know that they are thought of during this blessed season. I also want to remind them of the true meaning behind it all.
Maybe we've all just got too much on our plates during this season...and that shouldn't be the case. It's my goal to simplify things and continuously remind myself that there's more to Christmas than just the long to-do lists.
Can anyone else relate?
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
the cutest...
Ella - The more relaxed of the 2 sisters. Ella doesn't really fuss too much and she's a pretty easy-going little lady. She loves to cuddle and she's quite good at burping up her food.
Evie - I didn't get a close up picture of Evie this time. I'm already struggling to "keep things fair." She is a mama's girl...or a daddy's girl. Basically, she just wants to be some body's girl. She loves to be held and she doesn't want to miss out on any of the action. She's not a fan of sleeping all too often either.
We spent the night at Emily and Ryan's last Wednesday. This was done for 2 reasons - 1) Ben and Ryan were playing football early on Thursday morning up in Edmonds and there was no way we were going to make that drive on Thanksgiving. 2) The extra night with Emily and Ryan, also meant more time with Evie and Ella! To some this may seem selfish...to us, we recognize it as a duty - as an auntie and uncle!
Wednesday night we stayed up late and played a round of Settlers. Emily did well as a first-time player. And although Ben and Ryan argued over the game as if it truly mattered, my husband proved victorious. I also think it's important to note that I was planning to lay down the win with my next turn. Ben was seated to my right and his turn preceded mine...I could taste the victory and then it was quickly stolen.
Emily is playing with Evie on her lap. I held Ella most of the game...they're just so cute. Anything that only weighs 8 pounds is just absolutely adorable!
Once Ella's eyelids became heavy, I put her in here to sleep. She watched us play for a few moments and then she was off to dreamland. So sweet!
Thanksgiving on the Island was great. The ferry ride there and back were not as pleasant. I could do without the waits. Oh well. We had some yummy food and it was nice to see Grandma Nancy, Bob, Kathie, Don and Suzy.
Check out the cute grandparents. Can you tell that they're thrilled to have these little blessings (Evie on the left with grandpa, Ella on the right with grandma)? It's great too...one for each of 'em.
Monday, December 1, 2008
some feedback would be nice...