With an entire week away from the classroom, I was ready to tackle things at home. I made a to-do list on my Google homepage, and I vowed to stick with it all...but life doesn't always work that way. Sure, I started to clean out the spare bedroom and I even made some money doing so - we had a ton of textbooks to ditch and I searched the internet for a way to get rid of them. I stumbled upon this
website and now we're nearly $175 richer! But my list didn't dwindle much. Don't get me wrong, I had a great Spring Break, but it just looked a bit different than the way I had envisioned it...
- Took Kelli to the airport - she was heading to Idaho to visit a friend
- Got a much-needed haircut
- Requested a few books (via Paperbackswap.com) and mailed out a few of mine
- Spent some quality time with my mom!
- Met with a mom about tutoring her 7th grade daughter in writing
- Paid the bills
- Played several rounds of Ticket to Ride
- Enjoyed an evening (or two) with the Hamlins
- Took in a Mariner's game
- Made our bed everyday (I loved it...usually there isn't time in the morning and it seems kind of pointless to make the bed once I'm home from work)
- A little bit of cooking
- Some cleaning
- Visited a teacher supply store and picked up a few items
- Had some jeans hemmed
- Met up with Jamie and her mom to look at wedding invitations - J & J want me to design theirs
- Completed a bunch of work for my master's class
- Laundry
- Long walks in the sunshine
- Caught up on sleep
- Refused to do anything Maywood related - no grading, no planning, no online updates
- Tried to squeeze in as much time with Laura as possible - before her Thursday departure
- Made some cards

The worst part of my week came Thursday night when I had to say goodbye to my best friend. Laura is in New York now working for a family and she's loving it. I am doing my best to convince her that she needs to start a blog of her own. A part of me is sad to see her go (duh) and another part of me is incredibly happy to see her doing something she has dreamed of for so long. Life without her is going to be difficult...it's been so convenient to have her living so close.
I think the best part of my break was coming to the realization that work is good. Although I may be frustrated by my job, I truthfully enjoy it. If nothing else, I need the structure. With an entire week wide open, I almost had a difficult time figuring out what to do first. So, I avoided things. When I'm working full-time, I don't run into this kind of problem. I guess I'm kind of lazy when given the chance...not a good thing!