I know some of you out there were quicker than I was to STOP watching Jon & Kate Plus 8. Perhaps you saw the trouble that was about to unfold, or you just couldn't justify the way their kids were put in front of the cameras. Whatever the case may be, I have to say that their
divorce has now left them on my list of shows to

Obviously, I don't know the details of their marriage and why exactly it failed (I only know what the media has showcased). However, since this family openly professed (I haven't seen much of it recently...hence the past tense) to be followers of Christ, I can't help but wonder what happened. Why didn't we see them pursue marriage counseling? Why didn't we see them meet with the people of their church? Why have they continued to mention their kids as the reason for every decision they make...and not their faith? How does this fit in with the book they wrote (pictured above)?
When trouble first hit their marriage, I was one of those who continued to pull for them...wanting to see them reconcile their differences and make it work. Besides, what could be better for their 8 children, then to see their parents striving to make their relationship work?!?! (I know that's one of the greatest gifts my parents have given to me. Ben would be quick to say the same of his folks.)
I will continue to pray for this family, but I have to say that I'm disappointed at the outcome. I wish them nothing-but-the-best. However, I'm sad to see what has transpired. As a believer, I guess I just don't get it. At the same time, I'm not sure I want to understand it.
Marriage is hard work...but it's totally worth it to stick things out, knowing fully well that the Lord will bless you for your efforts. I praise God that Ben has chosen - and daily chooses - to spend his life with me!