Monday, October 29, 2007
ah, memories...
Sunday, October 28, 2007
weekend update...
Since I don't have any pictures from our evening adventure, I figure these will have to do...
Hillary is learning how to text...this is how we passed the time last Friday while most of the school's power was out.
Saturday, Stacy and I did some Christmas shopping. We also enjoyed a nice lunch together. With Ben up on Whidbey Island (he went up Friday after school to spend some time with his cousins, attend a football game and wash some windows), I had to call up Laura to see if she wouldn't mind keeping me company. She was kind enough to come over and together we made a few more cards.
Sunday, we moved Bobby, Kelli, Mac, and Jack into their new house. Tonight is their first slumber party in the mansion. We emptied the storage unit, cleared out my parents' house, and managed to fit it all in the new garage. We'll head out there later this week and I'll be sure to take some pictures.
All-in-all, it was a perfect October weekend...complete with the Boston Red Sox winning the World Series (I can't believe that Steve and Cathy Pearson were there cheering on Jon Lester! Talk about a once-in-a-lifetime experience!)
Thursday, October 25, 2007
diana & cookies...
Last night Diana came over for some quality girl time. (We allowed Ben to crash in on the fun since he was set up at the kitchen table doing homework.) Together, Diana and I made some cookies...they were okay. Unfortunately, it's difficult to substitute healthy ingredients when making a yummy dessert. It's just not the same. (This didn't keep us from inhaling the goodies.)
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
why bother with format?
I'm frustrated...can you tell?
- No power at school on Friday - excitement, followed by chaos (and a great game of Bump in the gym), followed by a productive workday without students
- Failed blog postings - a camera that won't work and a few ideas gone to waste
- Creative cooking - what to make for snack tonight at B.S. (Bible study)?
- Walk-a-thon - good times with great people!
- Master's classes - endless papers, discussion ramblings, and tuition bills
- Parents that don't really seem to care about their child's education - I don't get it and I don't know that I ever will (I'm realizing that Britney isn't the only one incapable of raising children)
- Amazing weather - love the sunshine and the incredible fall colors!
- High school meetings - catching up with former Young Life kids...could anything be sweeter?
- More card making - love it!
- Bobby and Kelli's new house - took my camera with me and the batteries died...regardless, it's huge, beautiful, in a great location, and we would like to move in!
- Frustration - why does Blogger always change my spacing and mess with the format?
- Shopping date with Ace - pictured below
- Leadership class - love it or leave it?
- Friday night fun - Hillary and I are going to Wild Ginger and the Seattle Children's Theatre
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
best husband ever...
I wanted to include a few pictures from my new Old Navy clothing line - however, their website is under construction and I don't know how I feel about modeling the clothes myself, taking a picture and then uploading it. :)
P.S. If you haven't seen the movie yet, you should - it's amazing! So sweet and so fun! The music is great too!
Sunday, October 14, 2007
i can't sleep...
Saturday Ben went up to the island to wash windows and make the big bucks! I stuck around and Laura came by to work on cards's so much easier to just leave everything out in the living room and work on creating for a few days in a row. Eventually Ben made it home and we headed to my mom and dad's for a family birthday celebration. I scored some incredible gifts, ate delicious food, and played some stellar games. All-in-all, I felt spoiled!
As for Sunday, we got up and headed out to church. From there, I was fortunate enough to do some shopping (thanks in part to Laura and my parents). Old Navy has some great stuff and it's super cheap too! After the fun, it was time to get serious...I had to finish the homework for my master's class. I can't wait until this thing is over. College was a blast the first time around. However, I don't so much enjoy it the second time through. I've got an entire year left too. Oh well.
I should try to get some sleep...
Before I do, here are a few of the Christmas cards I made. I realize they look very similar, but typically Laura and I never make 2 cards that look anything alike. As a result, it takes forever to make any large number of creations. So, we forced ourselves to make a bunch that looked alike. It saved a ton of time and I'm still excited to see some slight variations. Enjoy! (Oh, and some of the pictures are shiny because of the clear, plastic envelopes that they're in.)
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
j-dub update...
Sunday, October 7, 2007
pray for jordan...
As many of you know, Jordan (Bobby too) have Crohn's Disease. I would explain it, but that might take too long. Instead, I want to give you a little update. Last month Jordan was in the hospital to have part of his colon removed. They took out nearly 14 inches of the diseased area. The recovery was a bit tough for Jordan. However, things have healed nicely and he's back at work.
Well this weekend, he went down to Santa Barbara to visit Jamie at Westmont. Apparently Jamie called my mom just recently to say that Jordan had a seizure while they were at the beach. He convulsed for nearly two minutes and his eyes glazed over. Jamie decided to call 9-1-1. He's already had a CT Scan and they're running a few more tests to see what brought this on. Jordan doesn't recall any of the events that unfolded before the seizure. Jamie keeps asking him about specific events and nothing sounds familiar to him. I tell you all of this because Jordan is again in need of prayers! His poor body has been through so much - especially over the last couple of months. As a result, he doesn't quite seem himself.
Friday, October 5, 2007
happy birthday dad (almost)...
Tonight we're off to celebrate my dad's birthday. He hasn't quite narrowed down what it is he wants to do. The only thing we know is that we're supposed to be at my mom and dad's house by 5. I'm sure it will be a great time!
My father's actual birthday is on Sunday. However, he has chosen to celebrate the festivities this evening. (This works well for us since Ben will be up at Westgate Chapel helping out with music Sunday night.)I have to tell you that my dad is quite possibly the most generous person on the face of this earth! He has gone to some great lengths to help out those in the community, those within the church and most often those in his family. We have enjoyed countless vacations, wedding celebrations, dinners out, limo rides, sporting events and time at home. Whether my dad is giving of money or his time, he does it joyfully! I hope and pray that someday we'll be able to give back to my father in a similar fashion. For now, all we can do is thank him for his many blessings!
P.S. Sorry for all of the pictures - I just love how you can see his happiness in each one...they all bring back great memories too! :)
Thursday, October 4, 2007
magazines anyone?

what do you do when...
"The apples on my chest...ah, my breast...ah..."
Silence from the young man and laughter from the entire class is what then followed.
You can't mention any sort of body part without getting a reaction from 7th graders! Unfortunately, for this little guy, he went ahead and spoke about one of the most forbidden body parts.
All in a day's work, I guess (and it's only third period).
P.S. I wish I could post a picture of would make the story that much more enjoyable.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
interesting? judge for yourself...

Tuesday, October 2, 2007
what frustrates me...

Now, this is a fairly typical middle school response. However, I took the opportunity to explain to my entire class that a sport does not have any sort of sexual orientation...they are neither homosexual nor heterosexual. (Last year I had to do the same thing when a student insisted that the classroom printer was gay!)
I say all of this because it's frustrating. I used to refer to things as being "gay" (and maybe I find myself doing it a bit more now that I'm constantly surrounded by 7th graders who use the term like it's going out of style), but I try to avoid it at all cost. During college I realized that I was inaccurately and inappropriately using the term. So, now it's my mission to ensure that any child who walks through my door no longer jumps to the conclusion that something is gay.
(I know what you're thinking...this post is gay!)
Monday, October 1, 2007
britney spears

Jon & Kate Plus 8